Friday, March 2, 2007

The Patchwork Quilt

If you have ever created a patchwork quilt then you know that it takes time and patience to put it together. A patchwork quilt is traditionally created with old clothing, having to decide what clothing to use and how to put it together can take a long time. It is an in depth process. You have to decide if you are going to create it with just one person's clothing or an entire family. The time and effort you put into it will be more than made up for when you see the end product.

The same holds true for your family history. It isn't something that you can just throw together and think you will have a clear picture. It is something that will take time and quite a bit of effort. But the end result will be a beautifully woven together creation that not only you will enjoy and treasure but so will generations to come.

So take the time to complete all the stitches in your patchwork quilt, fill in the holes that are missing. You will be thankful you do when your child or cousin or some other family member takes that interest that sparks another generation into looking.

Pass down the legacy of family history research with a well woven patchwork quilt that will be appreciated for generations to come.

As always happy hunting

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